Thursday, April 10, 2014

overwhelming love

I just laid Silas down for his nap so I thought I would take a few minutes to write a little post. About my sweet boy. 

Right now I'm so overwhelmed with love for him. Obviously, I love him every second of every day. But have you ever had one of those moments where you feel so much love you can barely take it in? I looked up from the laundry I was folding and there was my baby. My grown up baby that is now a toddler. He was tucking his stuffed animals in under a blanket and just chatting with them. He looked up as well and smiled at me. Then he blew me the sweetest little kiss. And one of those moments happened. My heart almost burst. And.. there may have been a few happy tears. 

Moments like these make me wish I could just pause time. I feel like I blinked and now here's Silas, the cutest little toddler. Every day he learns new words. He does the cutest things and when I think he can't get any cuter, he does. He has the sweetest personality EVER.

I can't thank God enough for choosing me be his mom. 


Earlier Silas wanted teddy to have a diaper too.
This was after he tried to put teddy on the toilet to go potty and came way too close to dropping him in. But hey, maybe its a good sign that it's time to introduce potty training?